These pages are long since out of date. But history can be interesting, so everything has been left as original as possible.   Some broken links have been fixed, others were left as text.

  • Links that are no longer valid are displayed as red, underlined text 
  • Editorial comments that have been added are displayed in red text.

Enjoy visiting the past!


It's Here.

The second issue of The Rhino's Horn is in the mail. The newsletter is the official news source of the Rhino boy racing team. It also is the primary benefit for members of Club Rhino.

In the first issue, there were stories about the VW Corrado, the Rhino boy main ride of the 1996 season, coverage of the first event of the year in which the team rented a Spec Racer, an article about the team's electronic resources (such as this web site), a schedule, and, of course, Club Rhino information.

In the second issue, the cover story is about the building of the VW Corrado into a race car. Inside you'll find an article about spending a day with Lyn St. James at the Indy 500, coverage of the first three outings of the Corrado, and an inside look at Red Line Oil. The schedule remains, but has been updated to show results and updated to reflect changes.

The current issue of The Rhino's Horn is free for the asking and is available now. Details of the club and how to join are included. Please take a minute and drop us an email requesting the free issue. Send your name and mailing address and we'll get a copy to you while supplies last. If we run out, we'll be sure and forward the next issue, due out at the end of next month. We hope you'll join us.

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